Adrian Gaeta

Adrian Gaeta


Addio AL Nubilato. AmazonVideo/Minerva Pictures 
Joyful. Dir. Matteo Petrelli 
The Reunion.  Dir. Phil Donlon 
Restoration. Uncork’d Entertainment
Dirty. Gravitas Ventures
Inner Demons. IFC Films
The Finalist. Dir. Armand Mastroianni
The Quandary . Dir. Armand Mastroianni
Hide. Brandi Brothers Productions


Deadly Hollywood Obsession (TV movie). Lifetime
The Landlord (TV movie). Lifetime
The Acid Brotherhood (web). Youtube

THEATRE (Selected credits)

All The Worlds A Stage. Teatro Dell Angelo, Rome
The Suicide. Dir. Mark Weil
Macbeth. Meany Studio Theatre
Madame Butterfly. Dayton Opera 
Louis Slotin Sonata. Empty Space Theatre
Mother Courage. Pacific Performance Pro 
Gravity. Pacific Performance Pro
Cloud Tectonics. Studio 218
El Salvador. King and I Productions


Acting Coach (ongoing) Bernard Hiller in LA
Improv with Cynthia Szigeti (Groundlings)
Comedy with Steven Tobolowsky
Acting Technique with Jon Jory
Meisner with Joanne Baron/D.W. Brown, Antonio Ferreira
Method, Shakespeare with Shanga Parker
Suzuki and Physical Acting Technique. Steven Pearson, Robyn Hunt 
The Alexander Technique with Cathy Madden
Viewpoints. KJ Sanchez
Voice at The Linklater Center
Actor’s Process. Elizabeth Mestnik Acting Studio
United Stuntmen's International with David Boushey
B.A. in Drama, University of Washington
* Recipient of Glenn Hughes Acting Scholarship


Football, tennis, snowboarding, surfing, running, boxing 
Armed combat (club & knife), Un-armed combat, Stair falls. 
Precision driving, horse work, mini tramp/air ram, wire work. 
Rappelling, climbing, fire burns, 
High falls, special effects, jerk harness/ratchet.


English (native) Accents (Cockney, Irish, American, Southern)
Spanish (fluid)

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